經驗會計/薄記,安排審計;新公司進行首次會計有優惠,信心可靠,免費報價,歡迎查詢 Experienced & reliable bookkeeping service, arrange audit services. Bookkeeping service discount allowed to newly established company. Welcome enquiry.
G商業 / 會計及稅務Gold Treasury Accounting and Finance Centre

Provide different kind of design services include: Advertisements / Banners / Event Backdrops / Set Design / Graphic items / Storyboard / Digital Illustration and so on.
設計 / 平面設計Phazeone - Jova cheung

Treasure Land Property Consultants is a Hong Kong based property consultancy, dedicated to satisfying its clients’ needs by providing top quality professional services.
c商業 / 顧問ccomtreasure

Treasure Land Property Consultants is a Hong Kong based property consultancy, dedicated to satisfying its clients’ needs by providing top quality professional services.
t商業 / 顧問treasure123

隨意門汽車美容│CM AUTO SERVICES COMPANY 提供專業#上門洗車打蠟#洗車#內籠翻新#皮革翻新#汽車鍍膜#玻璃去污#玻璃翻新#絲絨去漬;#汽車 #汽車美容 #24小時上門汽車美容 #呔鈴 #打蠟 #鍍膜 #優惠 #洗車 #私家車 #七人車 #洗車打蠟 。 歡迎致電 / Whatsapp 查詢 / 報價:6633 9489 Mandy Mak / 6565 9989 DON
汽車及電單車 / 美容及清潔隨意門上門汽車美容

本公司一直以務實及忠誠服務態度,承造超過四百多個專業室內設計、家居設計、家居佈置及優質裝修工程。縱然市面上室內設計及承造公司林立,本公司仍與廣大客戶保持長期客戶關係。我們準備了不同類型的個案圖片讓各位參考。如希望進一步與本公司洽談合作事宜,包括上門勘察和報價!Our services include residential, office, lab decoration & renovation

Global Attestation provide UAE Attestation services.

So Klose is a multi award-winning matchmaking and dating services company which has been an ISO9001:2008 certified matchmaking and dating services company since 2011, first within the industry in Asia, and was recertified by SGS in December 2014 --So Klos

Carcars Grooming Pet Sitting Services 寵物美容師Carrie,持有HKPGA專業寵物美容師嘅資格並於2017年遠赴日本考獲國際認可PSIA日本寵物美容師C級執照。本人亦持有寵物急救証書,以及寵物按摩技巧証書。有多年照顧毛孩經驗,尤其對年老及弱小毛孩更絕對有耐性和愛心。 歡迎致電查詢: 9863 4110 Carrie(敬請預約) facebook: w

本人擁有超過20年會計及財務管理經驗,熟悉各行各業之運作,特別是中小企業如物流、進出口貿易及零售等。 能處理有限公司丶無限公司全盤中英文帳目。 服務對象:各中小企業。

專業中英文翻譯及校對服務(Professional Chinese & English Translation & Proofreading Services)
c商業 / 翻譯chloe

專業婚攝 Time Machine Moments捕捉到美滿的珍貴時刻。提供適合客人的建議和配套, 並會因應新人的要求,以個人風格和技術製作出期望的藝術效果。Pre-wedding & Wedding Day Services 婚紗及婚禮攝影攝錄 活動攝影 家庭攝影 親子攝影 初生嬰兒攝影 孕婦攝影 兒童攝影 bb攝影 畢業相 生日會攝影 百日宴攝影
結婚 / 婚禮攝影TimeMachinemoments

London Bridge Educational Services - We are provides Native English teacher services,please visit our website: www.londonbridgeedu.com or tel 9289 3685 Ms. Cheng
教學進修 / 補習London Bridge

買賣及批發 / 文儀及精品-文具及精品Laser Engraving Servies意烙雷射刻字刻圖服務 .電話:27787087

Find Your True Corporate Voice | ISO 9001 : 2008 certified | All language pairs supported
B商業 / 撰稿BridgeLink Language Services Ltd.

s家居 / 除甲醛sakurahome
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